Business eLogBook Use Policy

Consent required to use the facilities available at

Business eLogBook Use Policy

Consent required to use the facilities available at

General personal information collected on our websites

When you visit any of the websites within the S&B Automotive Academy domain, we hold certain information about you for service and security reasons. For a full list of our current policies The elogBook, auto, business, ecourses, and goahead Service (Moodle) collects, holds and processes additional personal information in line with the following privacy notice

The eLogBook, auto, business, ecourses and goahead Service (Moodle) also uses your data as set out below.

Legal basis for the use of personal data on Moodle: 

When you access Moodle, our Legal basis for using your personal information is in order to deliver our contractual obligations to you as a user of our service. 

When you login to Moodle using a personal/work email address as a username: We use your personal information with your consent, as given by you to the user (usually a member of a department, college or non-school institution) who originally set your account up and added you to a Moodle course. You always have the right to withdraw your consent. Should you wish to withdraw your consent you should email P Marsh on

Data held by the Moodle system

Data held by Moodle includes your name, email address, username and can include information, such as your group, cohort, mentor name, placement name. 

Moodle logs contain detailed information about user activity within each course, including the date and time of when course-specific information was viewed and/or updated, the address of the machine from which the access was made, the browser identification information and information about the referring web page. Logs are used to create summary statistics which may be made publicly available. Summary statistics do not include personal data.

Information about contributions to courses, including contributions to chat rooms and discussion forums, ownership of resources, assignment/file submissions, text matching scores and evidence of participation in other Moodle-based activities is held within the Moodle system. 

Information and data related to users, including grades, feedback comments, scores, completion data, access rights and group membership is also recorded. 

Additional personal data may be held within individual courses, either within documents/resources uploaded to the course, or within activities within the course. Other than contributions to chat rooms and discussion forums which are submitted by individuals in a personal capacity, course maintainers are responsible for the information held about you that may be uploaded onto such courses.

How the Moodle system uses your personal information

Moodle records and uses your personal information to:

  • § Provide you an account on, and identify you within, the VLE (Moodle) system
  • § Provide you access to courses/sites within Moodle
  • § Provide you the ability to upload, amend and delete certain information within Moodle 
  • § Provide you access to the information, resources and activities uploaded to Moodle
  • § Control access to different parts of the system. 
  • § Help support Moodle users
  • § For system administration and bug tracking
  • § Report on course, resource and activity access, activity completion, course completion and course data (such as grades, scores, submissions and content uploaded)
  • § For producing usage statistics for management and planning purposes

Individual courses within Moodle may collect additional personal information in order to: 

  • § Provide services to the users
  • § Facilitate and support business processes
  • § Support users in their use of Moodle

A non-exhaustive list of examples of this may include: 

  • § Learner competencies, grades
  • § User feedback
  • § Data collection for the purposes of business processes
  • § Contact information
  • § Application information 
  • § Showcase information
  • § Off-the-job training information

Where Moodle information comes from

For all users, Moodle records information supplied by the user. This includes information entered into your profile.

As well as the information that you upload and submit to Moodle, Moodle also contains additional information.

Moodle uses information supplied by:

  • § The Moodle user who creates the account.
  • § Information supplied by the learner companies.

Additional information may be uploaded onto individual courses by users of the system.

Who has access to Moodle data

The Moodle systems team at S&B Automotive Academy has access to all information stored within Moodle for the purposes set out above.

All course administrators and maintainers have access to the personal information of the other users of that course.

Access to Moodle logs is restricted to authorised staff at S&B Automotive Academy, with the exception of course-specific tracking data which is also made accessible to course maintainers where an appropriate course-specific privacy policy is in place.

We work with a range of technology suppliers to help us provide the VLE. If we use services provided from outside the EEA, where European data protection law might not apply, our contracts with suppliers include provisions or other suitable mechanisms to ensure the protection of your personal data. For the purposes of technical support and service provision, Moodle data may be accessed by these 3rd party service providers. 

Where Moodle information is shared

Moodle shares your personal information with other systems within the University

Certain data may be shared with the PICS Learner Management System.

Where Moodle data is stored

Moodle data is either stored within S&B Automotive Academy data centres, or within third party cloud systems, where ‘cloud systems’ refers to data centres owned and operated by technology suppliers.  

We work with a range of technology suppliers to help us provide the VLE. If we use services provided from outside the EEA, where European data protection law might not apply, our contracts with suppliers include provisions or other suitable mechanisms to ensure the protection of your personal data.

Moodle data retention

Information and data uploaded to Moodle, including accounts, courses and about contributions to courses, including contributions to chat rooms and discussion forums, ownership of resources and evidence of participation in other Moodle-based activities may be retained indefinitely.

Moodle data is either backed up at a facility managed by us, or within third party cloud systems, where ‘cloud systems’ refers to data centres owned and operated by technology suppliers. The backups are held for the purpose of reinstatement of the data, e.g. in the event of failure of a system component.


Children under 16 years of age are not permitted to access the services provided by under the S&B Automotive Academy domain. By agreeing to this privacy policy, you are also agreeing that you are 16 years of age or older.

Who can I contact?

The data protection officer for S&B Automotive Academy is Phil Marsh and they may be contacted at

How do I withdraw my consent for S&B Automotive Academy to store and process my personal data?

If you have previously consented to allow S&B Automotive Academy to store and process your personal data in accordance with this privacy policy, and you wish to withdraw your consent, please send an email to the data protection officer at You will no longer be able to access any of the services provided by S&B Automotive Academy domain.

How do I request that my personal data is corrected or erased?

You may make corrections to your basic profile information by logging into the,,,,, and editing your own profile. If you have questions or would like any other data to be corrected or erased, please send an email to the data protection officer at

How do I request a record of all my personal data that has been collected?

You may request a record of all the personal data relating to you that has been collected in accordance with this privacy policy. To do so, please send an email to the data protection officer at

This page was last updated in February 2025. 


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